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A pesquisar na Biblioteca da Assembleia da República
 Resultado da pesquisa
  O Imp?io
Anteriores 20 Título    Seguintes 20 Título
TítuloAutorData Publicação
 1. The implementation by Armenia of Assembly resolution 1609 (2008)Conselho da Europa. -- Assembleia Parlamentar2009
 2. An implementation framework for effective change in schoolsOCDE2020
 3. Implementation handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the ChildHodgkin, Rachel2007
 4. The implementation of a new maritime labour policy : the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006)Piniella, Francisco2015
 5. The implementation of article 80 TFEU : on the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility, including its financial implications, between the Member States in the field of border checks, asylum and immigrationVanheule, Dirk2011
 6. Implementation of better legislation - effect of the Stoiber report : better regulation - from renewed emphasis to implementationUnião Europeia. -- Comité Económico e Social Europeu2016
 7. Implementation of directive 92/85 : pregnant workersComunidade Europeia. -- Comissão. -- Grupo de Trabalho Especializado na Implementação Equitativa das Directivas1996
 8. Implementation of equality law : a task for specialists or for human rights experts? : experiences and developments in the supervision of equality law in the NetherlandsGoldschmidt, Jenny E., 1950-2006
 9. Implementation of EU policies following the UN Security Council resolution 1325 2010
 10. Implementation of EU social policy directives in Belgium : what matters in domestic politics?Hartlapp, Miriam2009
Anteriores 20 Título    Seguintes 20 Título


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