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  • União Europeia
  • resíduo de medicamento
  • produto farmacêutico
  • farmacêutico
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  •  Mitkidis, Katerina, co-autor
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  •  Harmonisation of pha...
    Harmonisation of pharmaceutical take-back systems in the EU / Katerina Mitkidis... [et al.]
    Mitkidis, Katerina, co-autor
    European journal of health law . ISSN0929-0273 . Dordrecht (NL) : Kluwer Academic, Vol. 28, No 5 (Nov. 2021) , p. 445-471
    When medicines enter the environment, they harm living species and ecosystems. Improper disposal of household pharmaceutical waste increases the concentration of pharmaceuticals in the environment and thus their detrimental impacts. Since 2004, the EU has obliged its Member States to establish ‘an appropriate collection system’ for unused and/or expired medication. However, as no implementation guidelines exist, large differences in the systems and their use remain. Pressure for adoption of guidelines harnionising the systems across the EU has been increasing. We address the question whether such harmonisation could mitigate pharmaceutical pollution, and which regulatory measures would be appropriate. To answer this, we conduct a comparative investigation of the systems’ regulation and an empirical study of citizens’ beliefs and behaviour across four European countries. We find a potential for increas ing the effectiveness of pharmaceutical take-back systems through their harmonisation and conclude that the EU has the competence and tools to regulate this. [Da introd.]
    União Europeiaresíduo de medicamentoproduto farmacêuticofarmacêutico
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