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  • rede energética
  • energia elétrica
  • distribuição de eletricidade
  • União Europeia
  • política energética
  • energia renovável
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  •  European renewable e...
    European renewable energy network [recurso eletrónico] / M. Altmann... [et al.]
    Industry, Research and Energy . Brussels : European Parliament, PE 475.085 (Jan. 2012)
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    Resumo: "The targeted increase of renewable energy sources in the European energy mix to 20% by 2020, and the goal of an 80-95% CO2 emissions reduction by 2050, will require changes to and extensions of the electricity grid. The integration of increasing shares of fluctuating renewable electricity, notably wind and solar power, into the grid is a long-term task that requires major investments, longterm planning at European level and endurance. It also requires a significant increase in the level of coordination of all relevant stakeholders in Europe. Important activities have started, but efforts need to be stepped up, and action accelerated." Editor
    rede energéticaenergia elétricadistribuição de eletricidadeUnião Europeiapolítica energéticaenergia renovável
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