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  • direitos humanos
  • mulher
  • direitos da mulher
  • aborto
  • reprodução artificial
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  •  Erdman, Joanna N.
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  •  The reproductive sub...
    The reproductive subject : the reproductive subject and the embodied state of International Human Rights Law / Joanna N. Erdman
    Erdman, Joanna N.
    Gender and the Law / edited by Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez, Ruth Rubio-Marín . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023 . - ISBN978-1-108-71330-6 . - p. 207-236
    This chapter engages the reproductive subject of international human rights law, a subject who conceives, gestates and births, or seeks to avoid hem. Reproduction is a fascinating site for the critical study of gender and law because it necessitates grappling with bodies. [§]The fascination stems from a seeming impasse. Gender theory has abandoned bodies, while reproductive rights refuse to give them up. In human rights law, reproduction is generally conceptualized as a series of events in female sexed bodies, and so embodied, women are essentialized as its reproductive subject. Gender does not disturb this convention but protects women from any social disadvantage or inequality in reproduction. For example, the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), declares that 'the role of women procreation should not be a basis for discrimination'. In reproductive rights, the sex binary stands while the gender hierarchy falls, keeping sex and gender distinct, and so, too, biological and social reproduction. Gender theory, on the other hand, challenges the idea of sex and reproduction outside the social world, and thus any inherent difference between men and women or 'women' itself as a category. For some, gender therefore challenges the reproductive rights of women. For when sex is collapsed into gender, the biological into the social, women are without their bodies and the special protection of the law. The reproductive subject becomes no body at all. [Da obra]
    direitos humanosmulherdireitos da mulherabortoreprodução artificial
    28.06 FAMÍLIA
    12.06 - 431/2023
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