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  • representação política
  • assembleia nacional
  • poder legislativo
  • formalidade administrativa
  • Estados Unidos
  • mulher
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      por Autor:
  •  Wilson, Walter Clark
  •  Carlos, Roberto Felix, co-autor
      por Título:
  •  Do women representat...
    Do women representatives regender legislative bureaucracy? : assessing the effect of representative sex on women's presence among US Congressional staff / Walter Clark Wilson and Roberto Felix Carlos
    Wilson, Walter Clark; Carlos, Roberto Felix, co-autor
    The journal of legislative studies . ISSN1357-2334 . London : Frank Cass, Vol. 20, no 2 (June 2014) , p. 216-235
    Achieving greater female presence in influential positions is a commonly discussed strategy for gender reform in institutions such as the US Congress. Using theory adapted from research on gender in the workplace, this study examines whether women representatives, as ‘managers’ of congressional offices, alter patterns of gender representation in Congress by hiring and promoting more women staffers compared with men representatives. Cross-sectional logistic regression analyses of staffer sex during the 110th and 111th Congresses (2007-10) reveal a positive relationship between women representatives and female presence on congressional staffs. However, the relationship does not hold with respect to the most influential staff positions. These findings provide only limited support for theories that women representatives act as ‘change agents’ by directly facilitating opportunities for women, and highlight the importance of exploring alternative strategies for empowering women and regendering legislative institutions. [Do resumo]
    representação políticaassembleia nacionalpoder legislativoformalidade administrativaEstados Unidosmulher
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