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 7 registos para: resistência aos antimicrobianos
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Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Europe ... : anual report of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) / propr. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Stockholm : ECDC, 2009-.
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Area: 28.41 SAÚDE
Documento integral (2022)
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Policies and incentives for promoting innovation in antibiotic research / Elias Mossialos... [et al.]. Copenhagen : World Health Organization : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2010.
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Area: 28.41 SAÚDE
64 PRODUÇÃO, TECNOLOGIA E INVESTIGAÇÃO (inclui direito de autor, normas e patentes)
Documento integral
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Targeting innovation in antibiotic drug recovery and development : the need for a One Health - One Europe - One World framework / Matthew J. Renwick, Victoria Simpkin, Elias Mossialos. Copenhagen : World Health Organization : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2016. ISBN 9789289050401.
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Area: 28.41 SAÚDE
64 PRODUÇÃO, TECNOLOGIA E INVESTIGAÇÃO (inclui direito de autor, normas e patentes)
Documento integral
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Ensuring innovation in diagnostics for bacterial infection : implications for policy / ed. by Chantal Morel... [et al.]. [S.l.] : World Health Organization : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2016. ISBN 9789289050364.
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64 PRODUÇÃO, TECNOLOGIA E INVESTIGAÇÃO (inclui direito de autor, normas e patentes)
28.41 SAÚDE
Documento integral
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The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe : the case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance / ed. by Bernd Rechel... [et al.]. [S.l.] : World Health Organization : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2018.
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Area: 28.41 SAÚDE
Documento integral (Vol. 1)
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Challenges to tackling antimicrobial resistance : economic and policy responses / ed. by Michael Anderson, Michele Cecchini, Elias Mossialos. [S.l.] : World Health Organization : OECD, 2019. ISBN 9781108799454.
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Area: 28.41 SAÚDE
64 PRODUÇÃO, TECNOLOGIA E INVESTIGAÇÃO (inclui direito de autor, normas e patentes)
Documento integral
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Leviathan versus the super bugs : free riding drives support for EU power over antimicrobial resistance / Björn Rönnerstrand... [et al.].
Cota : RE-326
28.41 SAÚDE
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