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  • direito da concorrência
  • União Europeia
  • direito da UE
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  • análise económica
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      por Autor:
  •  Sarmento, Bernardo
  •  Padilla, Jorge, co-autor
      por Título:
  •  Another look at the ...
    Another look at the competitive assessment of information exchanges amongst competitors in EU competition law [Recurso eletrónico] / Bernardo Sarmento, Jorge Padilla
    Sarmento, Bernardo; Padilla, Jorge, co-autor
    Revista de concorrência e regulação . ISSN1647-5801 . Coimbra : Almedina, A. 9, no 35 (jul./set. 2018) , p. 19-30
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    Competition antitrust authorities dedicate considerable effort and resources to the assessment of the competitive effects of information exchanges amongst competitors; an amply justified approach given the potential of such conducts to faccilitate collusion. In this article, we contrast the insights from economic theory on information exchanges among competitors with the legal test set out in the case law. We argue that while the legal test draws on insights from economic theory, the practical difficulties to meet the standard of proof might result in excessive type I errors. The cost of such type I errors has been dramatically increased by the new Damages Directive, which highlihghts the importance that competition authorities consider whether the standard of proof they require to rebut a presumption of illegality is correct and proportionate.
    direito da concorrênciaUnião Europeiadireito da UEconcorrênciatrustanálise económicaregulação
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