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  • democracia
  • populismo
  • regime autoritário
  • Europa
  • instituição da União
  • nacionalismo
     Pesquisar no Catálogo
      por Autor:
  •  Docquier, Frédéric
  •  Morelli, Massimo, 1965-, co-autor
  •  Peluso, Eugenio, co-autor
      por Título:
  •  Democracies in dange...
    Democracies in danger : how can we break the vicious circle of populism? / Frédéric Docquier, Eugenio Peluso, Massimo Morelli
    Docquier, Frédéric; Morelli, Massimo, 1965-, co-autor; Peluso, Eugenio, co-autor
    Esch-sur-Alzette : LISER, 2022
    LISER policy brief : research programme crossing borders ; no 5
    Título retirado do ecrã de título
    Requisitos do sistema: Adobe Acrobat Reader
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    Episodes of economic insecurity and rising inequality have always been a source of dissatisfaction and distrust in democratic institutions. Populist leaders exacerbate such feelings of resentment to get support from unorganized followers. Their rhetoric builds on the premise that high ethical and moral values are the hallmark of the people, and not of the established rulers. They highlight the divide between the good, pure, and homogeneous people that they claim to represent, and the corrupt and self-centered elite. Their discourse is authoritarian, nationalistic, and based on cleavages (Guriev and Papaioannou, 2022). Although populism has always been present in society, the ongoing surge in populism in Europe is particularly worrisome given its intensity and the persistence of its underlying alleged causes. This policy brief highlights the alarming trends in populism, discusses the mechanisms potentially leading to "snowball" dynamics, and calls for concrete actions to restore trust in traditional parties, as well as local and European institutions. [Da obra]
    democraciapopulismoregime autoritárioEuropainstituição da Uniãonacionalismo
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