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 Resultado da pesquisa
  Implementing PC LANs
Anteriores 20 Título    Seguintes 20 Título
TítuloAutorData Publicação
 1. Implementing PC LANsMace, Tony1991
 2. Implementing safe areas : lessons from historyCevallos, Astrid Stuth2019
 3. Implementing the chemical weapons conventionRobinson, J. P. Perry1996
 4. Implementing the EU concept on mediation : learning from the cases of Sudan and the Great LakesMiddleton, Roger2011
 5. Implementing the Hague Programme on justice and home affairsReino Unido. -- Parliament. -- House of Commons. -- European Scrutiny Committee2006
 6. Implementing the internal energy market : first benchmarking reportUnião Europeia. -- Comissão. -- Direção-Geral da Energia e Transportes2002
 7. Implementing the internet for businessCameron, Debra1995
 8. Implementing the Lisbon Treaty improving the functioning of the EU on Justice and Home AffairsCarrera, Sergio2015
 9. Implementing the OECD principles for integrity in public procurement : progress since 2008OCDE2013
 10. Implementing the Treaty of Lisbon : the Portuguese Parliament as an actor in the european legislative arenaResende, Madalena Meyer2012
Anteriores 20 Título    Seguintes 20 Título


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