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A pesquisar na Biblioteca da Assembleia da República
 Resultado da pesquisa
  The international spectator
Anteriores 20 Título    Seguintes 20 Título
TítuloAutorData Publicação
 1. The international spectatorBonvicini, Gianni, 1943-1989
 2. International standard classification of occupations : ISCO-88OIT1990
 3. The international standardisation of labour statistics : a review of the statistical work of the international labour office and of various international statistical conferencesOrganização Internacional do Trabalho. -- Bureau Internacional do Trabalho1943
 4. International standards on combating money laudering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation : the FATF recommendationsGrupo de Acção Financeira Internacional2016
 5. International statebuilding and the ideology of resilienceChandler, David G.2013
 6. International studies in human rightsChristoffersen, Jonas2009
 7. International Summit on the Teaching ProfessionSchleicher, Andreas, 1964-2014
 8. International supply of conventional armaments : legal aspects and implications of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 43/75Ronzitti, Natalino1991
 9. International system and technologies of rebellion : how the of the cold war shaped internal conflictKalyvas, Stathis N., 1964-2010
 10. International terrorism and drug connectionSymposium on international terrorism, -- Ankara, -- 19841984
Anteriores 20 Título    Seguintes 20 Título


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