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A pesquisar na Biblioteca da Assembleia da República
RSS 2.0 Resultado da pesquisa
 5021 registos para: Estados Unidos
 Aviso: Para um resultado de pesquisa superior a 2000 títulos, não é possível aplicar critérios de ordenação.
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Abortion and partisanship in the 104th U.S. Congress / Douglas W. Jaenicke.
Cota : RE-195
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The progressive power of realism / Stephen M. Walt.
Cota : RE-6
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New realist research on alliances : refining, not refuting, Waltz's balancing proposition / Randall L. Schweller.
Cota : RE-6
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Progressive research on degenerate alliances / Thomas J. Christensen, Jack Snyder.
Cota : RE-6
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Evaluating theories / Kenneth N. Waltz.
Cota : RE-6
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The realist paradigm and degenerative versus progressive research programs : an appraisal of neotraditional research on Waltz's balancing proposition / John A. Vasquez.
Cota : RE-6
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Distance versus direction : the illusory defeat of the proximity theory of electoral choice / Anders Westholm.
Cota : RE-6
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The "veepstakes" : strategic choice in presidential running mate selection / Lee Sigelman, Paul J. Wahlbeck.
Cota : RE-6
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A not-so-distant mirror : the 17th amendment and institutional change / Sara Brandes Crook, John R. Hibbing.
Cota : RE-6
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Schumpeter, the new deal, and democracy / John Medearis.
Cota : RE-6
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Biblioteca da Assembleia da Republica