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  • saúde animal
  • bem-estar dos animais
  • animal de tração
  • país em desenvolvimento
  • agricultura de subsistência
  • bovino
  • equino
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      por Autor:
  •  FAO
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  •  The role, impact and...
    The role, impact and welfare of working (traction and transport) animals / FAO
    Rome : FAO, 2014
    Animal Production and Health Report ; 5
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    In less economically developed countries, working animals play a fundamental role in numerous sectors, particularly agriculture and the transport of goods and people. They provide both direct and indirect incomes to households and therefore make an important contribution to families’ access to food and services. Yet recognition of the role of working animals remains a neglected area in the programmes of cooperation to development, and in particular in the sectors of agriculture, gender, food sec urity, and rural development. The recent recurrent food price crises led to renewed momentum on tackling food insecurity and promoting livelihood resilience. They also put agricultural growth and food production issues back on the development agenda. Agriculture is the main source of livelihoods for 2.5 billion people and with rural development, is widely acknowledged as a pathway out of poverty and a key contributor to food security. Yet despite the fact that working animals provide a key sourc e of power, both in terms of production and distribution, and are therefore critical to the functioning of farming systems, they remain absent from food security and agriculture interventions. The recent hike in fuel price has in many instances resulted in an increase in the use of working animals, such as donkeys. [Do autor]
    saúde animalbem-estar dos animaisanimal de traçãopaís em desenvolvimentoagricultura de subsistênciabovinoequino
    56 AGRICULTURA, SILVICULTURA E PESCA (Inclui Agro-Alimentar)
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